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Hey, I’m new here. 02-06-2024, 05:51 PM 7
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Hey, I’m new here. FOB
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Hey everyone, my friend Tom (Tommag) invited me to join up here.  A little about me. I’m a younger guy, and enjoy all aspects of the shooting world. I do a podcast about guns and outdoors when I have time, and a little bit of gun writing.  I’m an avid reloader when I can get components here in Alaska, and depending on work burn quite a few rounds down range on an average basis. I’ve got a 25 yard pistol range right off my from deck, and 100 yards in the back. I cleared land for a 200 yard range last fall but still need to build berms.  I probably won’t be super active due to work, but look forward to hanging out.

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olfart 115 48%
tommag 67 28%
Rampy 24 10%
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srjdsmith 11 5%
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specops56 3 33%
Rampy 2 22%
olfart 1 11%
tommag 1 11%
MontanaLon 1 11%


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