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Towtruck's Most Liked Post
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Parade 09-03-2023, 09:18 PM 9
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Parade Back at the Hooch
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Today I made the trip to my hometown for our annual fair and fair parade. The fair is 105 years old this year and I drove the 105 year old tractor in my Avatar through the parade. I did a preservation rebuild on that tractor three years ago and this is the second time I ran it in the parade.  The parade route is 8 blocks long and the tractor only does 2.9 MPH in high gear. Ends up being just about perfect as the floats ahead of me were going faster but we all had to stop at three announcer stands and I could catch up when everyone stopped. Only down side was I was herding this thing down the road with only three short breaks.  Anyway, it ran great for three hours, restarted to be loaded back up on the trailer, and made it back into its barn at the museum with zero issues. My arms are sore from steering it and I pulled my hamstring a tad more the last time I spun the engine over to get it on the trailer. All in all a good day....I have not had many here lately so it was welcome. (

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